traffic jam Buick

       Some sounds shouldn’t be heard



Product feature: QuietTuning uses triple-seal doors and noise canceling technology to stop noise from getting into the car.


There is so much noise in the world, overwhelming us every second of every day from social media trolls, online bots, scandalous cable news stories, enraged drivers stuck in traffic, etc.


Tune out the noise you don’t need to hear with QuietTuning.




SFX: Silence

Narrator: A couple is making sweet love in the car in a parking lot. Their sweaty bodies dancing the tango of ecstasy.

They just dropped off the kids at school and this was their only time alone together in five weeks.

No one can hear them because they’re rocking the casbah on the backseats of their new Buick. Don’t believe me? Listen.

SFX: Silence

Narrator: Tune out the noise with QuietTuning from Buick, because some sounds shouldn’t be heard.


Instagram videos have a mute button, let’s use it our advantage by telling people that the mute for everyday noises is Buick QuietTuning.


Tobi Amuda // Copywriter // Miami Ad School, Berlin

Rafael Joos // Copywriter // Miami Ad School, Berlin

Malack Silas // Freelance Artist //  Berlin



This is student’s work.Names, characters, brands, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real brands in real world applications. Any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincendental. This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.